We’re not sure if this is a result of Newcaps Cuts for today, but we just noticed Larry Hennessey is No Longer on the LG104 website
Larry just confirmed, it’s True….
we miss you already Larry…. you were and will always be the best part of Larry and Willy…. yes, we love Willy too!
Larry Hennessey joins Drex Live this Friday night as the Co-Host with Drex
ADDED LATER: Gord Lansdell has the scoop at his Northwest Broadcasters site.
“Newcap Radio has released longtime veteran Larry Hennessey and morning co-host Corrie Miller from LG104.3 Vancouver. Hennessey has been on the Vancouver radio scene since 1988. The two teamed up on LG104.3 in July 2014.
The station’s new schedule has Kelly Latremouille 6 am – noon, Lea Miller (from Newcap Ottawa) noon to 3 pm, and Graham Hatch 3-9 pm.”
I’m really sorry to hear about this. As a long time Larry and Willy fan over the years, it was Larry who always made me laugh more. Yet, Willy is so cute… did you ever notice cute wins over everytime…. just sayin… Not that I don’t love Willy, but Larry deserves better…….
That sucks. Larry is a good guy, a true radio guy.
Maybe he will partner back up with Willy on Rock 101
He will be missed, budget cuts I hear.
Listening to LG this morning. Kelly Latremouille is on, with Kim Larson doing traffic from Boundary Bay Airport. Could Cory Miller also be gone?
This sucks as Larry was great. The operations manager should be fired Glad Kelly is still around. Manager should also be fired. I hope the manager fires the operations Manager. There are cuts. So why is there a new lady starting. This is a lie. There are no cuts. Just wanted to let the morning show go-This message is to New Cap Head Office. You need to fire your opearations manager. There was no need for Larry to be let go
So sad to see Larry gone. I turned on the radio today and also was on the LG Site and yes Larry is gone. I do wish him all the best. If there are cuts why is there a new person starting on LG. All the best Larry and hope you can come back to LG as you do have the listeners behind just from reading the notes on Puget Sound. Please bring Larry back
That’s just great = cut the talent and you are left with ashes.
I always thought Larry was a real talent.
Hope he’s ok.
Jeez. Keep cutting, or better still, why don’t a lot of these jokes, sign off. No one is listening, nor does anyone care.
This is not the news I wanted to hear…..Here is an opportunity for Larry and Willy to reunite where they both belong together and make great radio…just a thought.Sad to hear this.
Why let Larry go as I was one reason I stayed with this station along with Corrie Miller. Hope the General Manager fires the operations manager.The operations manager from LG should be out the door. I plan to send a letter to Newcap today. This is crap letting Larry and Corrie go. It is funny the managment did this today. When Larry and Corrie worker Monday why not tell them Friday last week that your no longer needed.Instead they let them go Monday November 23. Maybe fire the General Manager as well. She is the one that brought Larry to LG. She should have went with him
Conniving, manipulative Newcap management with nary an eye for talent or how to manage it. Two great radio people with an obvious on-air chemistry – hung out to dry. Well done.
Music = commodity. Talent = currency
In addition to her co-hosting duties with Larry on LG, Corrie had recently been reading news on the CISL 650 Morning Show, with live reports at the bottom of the hour. Her banter with Stirling Faux added an additional personality dimension to that program also.
What does the General Manager have to with letting the so called talent go. Don’t the pink slips come from head office?
Larry was about the only good thing going for this radio station. Sorry to hear he is no longer there. In my opinion this is one gawd awful music station. Listen for two maybe three days in a row and I think you’ll hear what I mean. The same old songs from that “golden list” over and over and over. Makes hearing the Weekends “I Can’t Feel My Face” for the sixth time in one day on other stations seem ok.
Count me as someone who would love to hear a Larry & Willy reunion.
LG was a non-starter right off the bat. A format with no clear direction. Newcap bit off more than they could chew with the addition of Vancouver.
At a loss for words, overall.
I’m all for embracing change, when not arbitrary.
The fact is, the general word of mouth heard mere hours after Larry and Corrie’s premature departure has left many LG104.3 FM listeners hungry.
Larry Hennessey is one of the best in the business. He is irreplaceable in an industry so quick to give the talent the ol’ tap on the shoulder. Vancouver would not be as loved without Mr. Hennessey, one of kindest most generous human beings you could possibly meet and he deserved better. His pride in his work is infectious and it’s only too obvious that he was having a blast at LG 104.3 FM. Like many, I have a tremendous amount of respect for the man and am eagerly looking forward to hearing him on the air, again, in the not-too-distant future.
The way that Corrie Miller’s role as a morning co-host was undermined over the past couple months was shameful and did not go unnoticed. Many were already missing the great on-air chemistry that Larry & Corrie radiated every morning as a result of Corrie’s contribution being mysteriously scaled back. A lady of her exceptional skills is clearly an invaluable resource and it would be an injustice to under-utilize her talent.
LG104 3 I will not listen to this station again.I hope Newcap fires the General Manager. And listeners I hope you switch. No need for Larry to be let go ro Corrie. If listeners are upset about this please inform Newcap to bring Larry back and to fire Manager. He or she could have cut some other person
I love Graham Hatch and I love Kelly Latremouille, butI think I’m with Claire and ALOT of former LG104.3 FM listeners on this one.
Whatever the circumstances behind the scenes, letting Larry Hennessey and Corrie Miller go (and so nonchalantly) is a glaring mistake. Whatever unprecedented momentum LG104.3 had been successfully building up leading to this has ultimately hit a brick wall and has already cost LG many, many listeners. Not sure where Sherri Pierce is going with this, but the trust invested by several in LG104.3 FM has been lost and the credibility of Newcap Radio seriously shaken.
Hope Lar’s okay. Corrie too. Agree with Andy, From Langly. Couldn’t have put it better
Release the ops manager. or fire the GM. Use the money saved to offer Larry/Corrie back and say sorry
No Larry, no LG.
I just can’t get over how anticlimactic Larry & Corrie’s exit was. I wish them well and keep my dial on Rock101 until their inevitable return. To hell with New Cap.
I’d rather listen to Larry and Corrie in the morning, than another shot at the $1000 one second song! If they think that’s why people are listening, they are mistaken. They go, I go!!! Definitely your loss LG.
They are letting talent go and making way for newbies with a lower salary!!! Sorry you can’t beat experience. Will not listen to Newcap anymore
Kelly Latremouille is an absolute disaster, bad move. Back down the dial we go………..
Kelly Latremouille is doing a fine job.
Sure, maybe it hasn’t been easy to listen to LG104.3 FM without Larry & Corrie this past week, but imagine how Kelly feels. Kelly, along with Graham Hatch, know first-hand all too well what it feels like to be on-the-air one moment, swapped around or out out the next.
One can’t help but feel for Mr. Latremouille being stuck between a rock and a hard place here.
Without a doubt, this has been difficult for Larry & Corrie as well as their faithful listeners, but let’s not forget that in some ways this is even harder to digest for the people more intimately connected to them on-the-air and behind the scenes.
The show must go on for the personalities that remain at LG, and I, for one, don’t exactly envy the survivor’s guilt that they may be experiencing. Hat’s off to them for carrying on after such a difficult week and may they continue with the passion necessary in making a great radio station.
I guess I’m looking for a new radio station to listen to (again)!
I do not agree with the remarks from Greg up Top/ Kelly is great as he does a fantastic job. If you do not like listening to Kelly move down the dial a bit (Thank You)
Drex talks with Larry Hennessey about Radio… https://www.pugetsoundradio.com/2015/12/05/drex-talks-larry-hennessey-radio/
A fantastic evening and my personal favourite Drex Live show.
Larry Hennessey & Willy Percy exchanging words and stories on a Corus Entertainment station via Drex?! Some hitherto unreleased audio gems from Larry’s Regenerator Records vault?! (of note, The Beach Boys rendition of ‘Seasons in the Sun’ and John Lee Hooker as recorded by Robin Spurgeon.) All of this and more broadcast live and in delicious HD last Friday night on CKNW 980 AM. A show not to be missed and I wholeheartedly urge any fans of Larry & Willy (or radio enthusiasts in general) to check out the ‘Drex Live On-Demand’ on either Soundcloud or podcast via iTunes.
Cheers to those who enjoyed the planetary alignment as much as I did and here’s to more Drex & Larry in the not-too-distant future!
Think larry has to join back up with Willy on 101 ,can you imagine larry n willy n slide n Kim n Corrine on one morning show