Puget Sound Radio heard LinkedIn had reported earlier this morning Kerry Marshall has been replaced as News and Content Manager by his former Assistant, Marcella Bernardo, so we contacted the man in the know our friend Don Shafer who immediately responded to our enquiry.

Hi Michael, a little housekeeping to better align with each of their strengths.
Kerry is our Senior News Anchor and Team Lead – Marcella is our news and content director. Both seem pretty happy with the minor change and both are working very well together.
Email Don:
I worked with Kerry and know Marcella well. Being ND probably cut into Kerry’s golf time..lol. I am glad this worked out well so early in the history of Roundhouse !
This move makes sense. Kerry has been anchoring news for as long as I can remember, but I don’t recall him ever being ND. Except maybe at CFOX prior to the Corus acquisition?
Kerry Marshal, Dave Prat and Terry David Mulligan!