SEATTLE – Thousands of normally loud Seahawks fans are calling for silence from one NFL broadcast team who they say are biased against their favorite team.
An online petition is calling for FOX Sports announcing team Joe Buck and Troy Aikman to be banned from calling future Seahawks games.
The petition, posted by Corey Bailey, had over 11,000 signatures as of Wednesday morning. It reads:
“The Seattle Seahawks 12th man are growing increasingly tired of the negative remarks that are consistently made against our team by Fox Sports commentators Troy Aikman & Joe Buck. As nationally televised games, we understand that the commentators need to be sensitive to both the fans of the home and away team. However, Aikman & Buck’s comments heavily favor any and all of the Seahawks opponents. Their comments are incredibly critical and degrading. Not only do we respectfully request, the 12th Man DEMANDS that these two commentators be banned from calling any future Seahawks games.”
Several of the people signing the petition are echoing Bailey’s remarks.
“It appeared that the negativity was also directed towards the officials. So when someone is that negative it makes watching the game very difficult,” said an unidentified person from North Dakota.
“My kids were watching that game. What is with the negativity? Seriously!? If you can’t give unbiased, and degrading commentary, then you shouldn’t be on national television,” said Heather Simmons.
“Commentators are supposed to be unbiased. These two clearly are not. I do not understand why Fox Sports allows their employees to consistently bash the Seahawks. Our team doesn’t just represent Washington, but Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, And many other states in the Pacific Northwest. Our fans are all across the world and travel to away games and are a force to be reconned (sic) with at home. We have been to back-to-back Super Bowls, and won. It’s time for some respect. At the very least, unbiased reporting should be a given for any team,” said Mary Helen Wilert.

It’s not clear when the petition was created, but a large number of comments discuss last Sunday’s game against the Dallas Cowboys. Buck did not call that game because he was calling Game 5 of the World Series in New York. Thom Brenneman filled in for him on play-by-play.
Aikman played his entire Hall of Fame career with the Dallas Cowboys.
Not everyone is on board with the petition.
“I am a hawks fan and Troy does sound biased in his comments BUT banning them is pulling a 40-whiners and embarrassing !!” wrote Tami Gatzke on the KING 5 Facebook page.
If this bashing is true I want to hear or see video evidence. I’ve watched many games and I haven’t noticed any Bias towards them being Seahawks Haters
Seahawks fans are used to homers like Raible and Moon so take great offence at objectivity.
Canucks fans do the same when John Garrett isn’t laying on the saccharine.
Troy Aikman made me hit the mute button last Sunday. He might as well have joined the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders on the sidelines because of his embarrassing bias.
Typically, if somebody isn’t blowing nice rosy over the top compliments up the collective rectums of the Chicken Hawks, the fans complain. Just sayin… 😉