Voltair 2.0 is Ready



Friday September 25, 2015


It’s one of the most controversial pieces of technology to hit the radio industry in quite some time. Voltair, created by 25-Seven Systems, a division of Telos Alliance, has turned the radio ratings on its ear and has the entire industry talking about the accuracy of the ratings system. There is also a belief by some that Nielsen is gearing up to drop the hammer down on Telos-Alliance and ban use of the product. Voltair will be the subject of two opposing panels at the Radio Show in Atlanta next week.

Yesterday 25-seven officially released its software upgrade and says it now contains “a comprehensive new set of enhanced data analysis tools.” In its release to clients, Telos Alliance writes, “Knowledge is power, and stations rely on Voltair for critical insight into a watermarking process that directly affects their bottom line. Here’s more from the Telos Alliance 2.0 upgrade press release…

Telos Alliance sent out the news Thursday that its popular product that some say enhances Nielsen ratings now has a comprehensive new set of enhanced data analysis tools that allow downloading spreadsheets containing historical confidence data at intervals as small as 4.8 seconds (a single “message”).

“The raw data is also available to external systems so that groups can integrate it into their own analysis infrastructure at the enterprise level to inform large scale programming decisions. Historical data for one and fifteen minute intervals going back to the original date of installation will be IMMEDIATELY available after installing version 2.0 and applying a standard confidence data extraction license key.

Confidence data at the 4.8 second interval will be available starting from the moment version 2.0 is installed after applying an enhanced confidence data extraction license key.

Voltair is configured at the factory to securely calculate and store this confidence data internally whenever it is in operation. Your data never leaves your hands.”

Read more about the upgrade HERE






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