Brian Antonson’s Book Spawns a History Channel Series


The History Channel launches a six-episode program “Curse of the Frozen Gold” next Wednesday August 26th at 10pm Pacific Daylight Time.

Brian Antonson, whom a lot of you will remember fondly from your BCIT days, shared his excitement with us, so we can share it with you. . 

“What’s exciting for us is that this series covers the famous Lost Creek Gold Mine legend from British Columbia’s Pitt Lake area, and our Canadian best seller Slumach’s Gold: In Search of a Legend is a key part of the storytelling.  Heritage House Publishers of Victoria published this great book in 2007, and to date, over 10,000 copies have been sold.  5,000 sales constitute a best seller in Canada, so Slumach’s Gold has broken that target twice now! 

It’s available at bookstores everywhere, can be ordered online at  or at  and also is available as a download.

We’re hoping everyone catches Curse of the Frozen Gold, starting Wednesday August 26th at 10pm, and enjoys the exciting search for the lost gold mine.  The original Slumach legend recounts murders, mysterious disappearances in the wilds surrounding Pitt Lake, a rumoured gallows curse, gold nuggets the size of walnuts, and more than a century of searching for the secluded mine.  Modern day gold seekers follow never-ending clues, seeking the fortune that awaits…maybe!”
And in the middle of the series, you’ll see a couple of guys you may recognize…the Antonson bros, Rick and Brian, mixing in with the gold seekers in a log cabin “war room” in the forest north of Pitt Lake.

Brian sent along links to a couple of pages promoting the show:


  1. I met Brian in 1981 when I was in Grade 12, at a High School Job Fair type of thing. He encouraged me to take a few courses at BCIT, he taught one of the classes I took, a great guy. I’m glad to see he made a name for himself with this new book 😉

  2. In my high school days I had a teacher who spent each summer trying to track down this gold. The school was near Pitt Lake so he didn’t have far to go in a relative sense, although the lake is a big one and the actual area he explored was far beyond the lake’s northern boundary.


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