This same CRTC that says pornography MUST be aired on Canadian television, says the Beasley Brothers cannot get their Canadian hunting show, a recognized national heritage activity, on the air…

July 2nd, 2015
Canada – -( Many Canadians know the Beasley Brothers, creators of the television show Canada in the Rough, as decent, hardworking farm boys from Ontario.
What many don’t know is this: while their show is aired in 27 countries overseas and nationally in the United States, these home-grown Canadian boys cannot find a major Canadian television network willing to sell them airtime for their immensely popular show.
Their show ran on Global TV for eight years until the day Keith Beasley received a telephone call from a Global network executive telling him that the network would no longer sell him airtime for Canada in the Rough. Despite outranking its closest competitor by orders of magnitude, the show would no longer air on that network.
Why you ask? The answer is simple: Canada in the Rough shows hunting and firearms ownership in a positive light.
It took some time, but eventually Keith and his brothers learned why:
“It had nothing to do with ratings, and it had nothing to do with what we were. It had everything to do with our content. Our content was guns and hunting. And just like that, the Canadian hunting landscape changed on a dime, and we’ve never recovered from it.”
According to the head honchos at the big Canadian network, hunting is politically incorrect, and Global TV no longer had the courage to continue televising this Canadian outdoor heritage activity.
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Looks like Global TV’s upper management is being taken over slowly but surely by leftists, which is the only reason why political correctness reared its ugly head regarding this case.