Calgary Foundation donates $3 million to NMC & CKUA Radio

The Calgary Foundation has donated $3 million dollars, $1 million of which will go toward creating a new studio for CKUA at the National Music Centre (Image: courtesy


June 23rd, 2015

The Calgary Foundation has made a generous gift which will enable CKUA to find a new home at the National Music Centre. The Foundation has donated $2 million dollars to NMC and $1 million to CKUA Radio to create the “Calgary Foundation CKUA Studio” which will find its home in the restored King Eddy Hotel wing of the Centre. The studio will be built at street level, and will be CKUA’s first publically accessible station in Calgary.

“We are grateful to the Calgary Foundation for seeing the importance of supporting this alliance of two cultural charities committed to serving Albertans” said Ken Regan, CEO of CKUA Radio. “This highly visibile studio will strengthen our relationship with Calgary-based listeners and supporters, and allow CKUA to be a part of and contribute to the dynamism and excitement of Studio Bell and the National Music Centre.”

CKUA’s new Calgary studio will host prime time programming, develop new special events programs, and feature live interviews, conversations and performances. Broadcasts are planned to begin in fall 2016.




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