PPM Top-line Radio Statistics
Vancouver CTRL
Survey period: Radio Meter March 2 – May 31 2015
Demographic: A2+
Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am
Geography: Vancouver CTRL
Data type: Respondent
Station Share (%) Cume Daily Cume Trend
CBU+ (Radio One) 12.2 772.4 195.0 -1.9
CHQMFM (QM/FM) 11.4 2,367.5 414.0 -1.0
CKNW (News/Talk 980) 8.1 559.8 158.0 +1.2
CKZZFM (Z95) 7.5 2,112.5 341.0 +1.7
CFMIFM (Rock 101) 7.4 1,614.5 216.0 +0.1
CFBTFM (Virgin) 6.8 2,091.8 346.0 +0.5
CFOXFM (The Fox) 5.7 1,207.1 162.0 +0.2
CKWX (News 1130) 5.7 867.1 201.0 -0.5
CJAXFM (Jack FM) 5.7 1,923.3 229.0 +1.5
CJJRFM (JR Country) 5.7 1,325.8 157.0 +0.5
CKKSFM* (Kiss FM) 3.7 1,733. 1 235.0 n/c
CISL (All Time Favorites) 3.4 542.6 78.0 +0.2
CBU FM (Radio Two) 3.0 865.0 99.0 -0.4
CKPKFM (The Peak) 2.9 1,297.9 138.0 -0.5
CKST (TSN 1040) 2.8 886.7 119.0 +0.2
CHLGFM (LG104.3) 2.4 1,657.4 141.0 -0.4
KWPZFM* (Praise FM) 1.4 451.7 42.0 -0.2
CHMJ (Traffic 730) 0.6 764.5 62.0 -0.2
CFTE (TSN 1410) 0.2 312.6 18.0 -0.2
* = spill station Cumes expressed as thousands (000)
May I be the first one to Congratulate CKNW – So much for all the naysayers
Wow, so much for rebranding of the Beat to Virgin. I don’t believe that outcome was planned. Such a breakthrough for Z
Not sure if there is much in the way of congratulations for NW. They are solidly entrenched in the single digits now rather than the usual double digits they were used to just a few years ago.
It looks like they have settled down to be a 6-8 share outlet depending on the rating sample which might be fine for Corus when considering their reduction in costs with junior news people and broadcast school operators. They might actually be making more profits now than they were when their payroll was higher with the larger ratings share.
They probably have a ways to go in the payroll reduction department. Probably less suits in programming/branding will help the bottom line in the next year as well as shedding of some of the old legacy salaries with the handful of hosts still around from the old NW.
Will The Peak potentially flip formats after their 7 year benefits package aka The Peak Performance Project is done with in the fall or will they grind it out?
I noticed the Corus stations have improve their ratings a bit. Z spent a whole bunch on promotion, and it seems to have paid off. KISS numbers are flat and weak, notice a big move to texting to communicate with them, how boring and unexciting is that. Peak numbers down again, thinking they will have to drop a few in management before changing to a new format. No huge suprises, QM deserves their solid ratings.
I think the Peak is in it for the long haul. I truly believe they have what it takes to be a much better station then they are. The issues I find with them is when they started they branded as world class rock and sounded like they wanted to be an indie station with a heavy focus on up and coming bands, hence all the airplay Mumford and Sons or Florence and the Machine got as well as others. Now they still play those bands and others like that but they seem to have a more rock focus. To me it seems like they are trying to be 2 or 3 formats in one. Which is fine, if it is done properly. What has bugged me though is the fact it seems like a revolving door for on air staff. I loved listening to Laurie Logan and Corey Ashworth on the mornings, now it is Kevin and Sonia and I find them to be very boring. James Sutton is really good on the PM drive. Personally I think he should have the morning slot with Kuljeet Kaila and then Kevin and Sonia in the afternoons. Also what would be good is the same evening host monday to friday. Maybe devote some of the evenings to a new music show and maybe an indie spotlight. Instead of trying to have a scattered format.
I am still surprised at Jacks numbers. They are not as good as they once were. And I feel the station is bland and stale now. Even with them up 1.5 to a 5.7 share there is still Z95, Rock 101, Virgin and CFOX ahead. And they all play similar music to Jack. And the remaining music that jack plays can be heard on LG 104. 3
Does anyone think that it is time to make some changes to a couple stations? I think you can only half ass certain formats for so long before you need to blow them up and make them better.
Once again, Newcap’s heritage AM soundly wups their newly-rebranded FM. LG has some solid talent, but the format is flat at best. Clearly what worked in Edmonton and Calgary (Capital FM) isn’t flying here.
Holy crap, Ian is a genius!!!
Unfortunately, it seems LG is the only station we receive good reception in the office these past three weeks, what’s up with that? Anyway, the same tired old over played songs over and over and over. If I hear It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones one more time I’m not sure what I am going to do. They also over play Can Con from the 70’s and 80’s, songs you never really ever wanted to hear again. Variety. Less repeats. Try it. Announce staff is very good including Larry of course give them some tools to work with!
Agreed.If I hear Forever Young by Rod Stewart again ……This station has so much potential,but I see FUN FM 104.9 all over again.Why is Generation X ignored on the radio in this city????Most of us in Generation X listened to LG73 in the 80’s and 90’s,but this station just sounds like CISL on FM.Bring back the old 80’s jingles and the Morning Zoo!!!!!
IMHO CISL is a much better sounding station music-wise. Good on them for hanging onto (and strengthening!) the position they’ve carved out for themselves in the market.
Month plus with no Canucks hockey had to have helped NW.
. If I hear It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones
There it is again, yep, just like clockwork 🙁 The first play of the week this being Monday should hear it another , what 8 x?
LG seems to be doing good when it comes to music. I love the 60s 70s and 80s. What ever your doing LG keep it up as the music is great. The only item I do not like is the blues show. Everything else is good and your on air staff are great to listen to