U.S. Congress to FCC: Take Out NY/NJ Pirates




Thirty-three New York and New Jersey members of Congress have signed off on a letter to FCC Chairman Thomas Wheeler, asking that the FCC increase its efforts to stop radio piracy, especially in the New York and New Jersey area where it appears the problem is among the worst in the country. The letter acknowledges that the FCC has done some work in this area, but asks for much more to be done, including increasing staff in the FCC NY field office, as well as working closer with federal and local law officials to make the problem a bigger priority.

U.S. Representative Chris Collins (NY-27) said in a statement: “Pirate radio operations are threatening public safety and negatively impacting radio listeners and legitimate radio broadcasters. It is imperative the FCC work to ensure that interferences created by pirate radio frequencies are eliminated. Thank you to Congressman Tonko and the rest of the letter’s signees for joining me in raising awareness about this important issue.”

U.S. Representative Paul Tonko (NY-20) stated: “Pirate radio interferes with critical emergency alert services as well as entertainment programming delivered to areas in New York, New Jersey, and across the nation. In times of severe weather, massive traffic accidents, or law enforcement operations that require the help of the public, every second counts when delivering an important message over the airwaves. I thank Congressman Collins and all those who joined this letter to signal their willingness to work with the FCC to eliminate unauthorized broadcasts and radio piracy.”

The full letter can be viewed HERE.




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