Our facebook friend Beau Weaver dug up this Youtube video of Robert W. Morgan and writes the following,

Voice Actor
My Millennial friends don’t understand what I mean when I say that “Radio was my first love.” This video tribute may help them understand.
Today marks the 17th anniversary of the death of Robert W. Morgan, the greatest morning radio personality ever, and one of my greatest influences. Morgan was morning man on 93/KHJ when the ‘Boss Radio’ format premiered, which was, incredibly, FIFTY YEARS AGO this year! I first got “Morganized” in the studios of KHJ’s little sister station, KAKC in Tulsa, when my friend Robert Walker (who would carry a “W.” in his own airname in tribute) allowed me to sneak up to the station to hear “air checks” of RWM sent from LA by consultant Bill Drake to inspire the staff, and give them a high bar to aim for. Hearing Morgan, that night, then and there, I knew, THAT was what I wanted to do!
My good friend Kevin Gershan was the same young “hitline pest” station-mascot at KHJ that I was to KAKC when we were young teenagers. Kevin went on to produce Morgan’s morning show and was one of his most loyal lifelong friends. He is now a director at CBS Television, and produced the video linked here, which had been previously seen chiefly by those who attended the memorial service. It’s 17 years old, and not in widescreen aspect, but it’s a beautiful piece of work, and worth your time. This is a newly uploaded higher def version that you might even stream to your big screen.
I did not know him well…..we worked together at KRTH in the 90’s, and yeah, he could be kind of a dick….but there was never, and never will be another Robert W. Morgan. Zapp, indeed.
Visit Beau’s website: SpokenWord
Thankfully a few of us millennials do understand the Morgan magic. 🙂 In my presenation to the BCAB a couple weeks back, I mentioned RWM as being one of my all-time favourite jocks. If you want more Morganization, and don’t mind paying $20/year, there’s a ton more Morgan at http://www.reelradio.com, including the original 48-hour History of Rock and Roll as voiced by RWM for KHJ. GOOD MORGAN!!