Seattle TV Kid’s Host Stan Boreson Turns 90


Our thanks to Gord Lansdell and his fine Northwest Broadcasters website for word that a 90th Birthday Tribute was held Friday at The Swedish Club in Seattle for pioneer kiddies show host and “King of Scandinavian Humor” Stan Boreson.

He hosted the hugely popular kids’ show King’s Klubhouse on KING-TV for 12 years during the 1950s and 60s.

Broadcast Media Consultant Eric Dawes was on hand and submitted the following photos:

Stan and wife Barbara 

Stan with Joanie Wedes, wife of the late Chris Wedes (JP Patches, who is pictured below)


  1. I loved Stan Boreson, Captain Puget, and J.P. P Patches, when I was a wee kid. Lotsa talent in Seattle!

    Happy Birthday to a man that brought a lot of happiness to a ton of wee kids.


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