Also Thinks Williams ‘Would Have Been Fantastic’ in Late Night
By Chris Ariens, TVNewser @

In her two-part interview with departing Late Show host David Letterman on CBS Sunday Morning, Jane Pauley explained how Letterman was a “bit player” in the Brian Williams fiasco. It was on Letterman’s show in March, 2013 that Williams claimed he was in a helicopter that was fired upon during the early days of the Iraq war. With Pauley, Letterman joked the fabrication was his idea: “I went to his dressing room, and said, ‘it would be so much better if you mentioned you were in the chopper that took the hit.’”
Letterman also says Williams would have been a “fantastic” choice to replace him on the Late Show. “He would have been great. He’s a natural born broadcaster… smart, funny, good looking.” That said, Letterman doesn’t think Williams will go the comedy route, and that it’ll take some time to overcome the creditability gap he created for himself. “I think, in a year or two it will be a dim memory,” Letterman says.
David Letterman Thinks Brian Williams ‘Would Have Been Fantastic’ in Late Night