Jacobs: Radio Still Dominates Car and Music Discovery




April 27, 2015

Each year, Jacobs Media does a study on the country’s changing media habits. The annual “Techsurvey” looks at how consumers are receiving their audio and video entertainment. The latest survey concludes that the car continues to be an important story for radio as a majority of the audience spends the lion’s share of their listening in a moving vehicle. And among those who are in the market for a new vehicle in 2015, nearly nine in ten (89%) say an AM/FM radio is very important. Additionally, 74 percent of those surveyed claim they rarely or never change their car radio push-buttons or media settings. The survey also concluded that Radio constinues to be the first place consumers go to discover music, however, among Millennials, other options like Pandora and YouTube are growing in importance.

Among the key highlights of the Media Usage survey are that traditional broadcast radio still reaches the biggest audience for audio entertainment. At least 92 percent of those surveyed listened to an hour or more of radio per day. Fifty-seven percent stream audio at least weekly, 21 percent listen to podcasts monthly, while 21 percent use satellite radio. The survey also shows the rapid growth of digital, as more than eight in 10 respondents now own a smartphone and more than six in 10 now have a tablet.

Jacobs Media President Fred Jacobs pointed out: “Every year when we sit down to analyze the data, we’re in search of ‘the one big thing’ that impacts radio. This year the story is different — there’s a steady drumbeat of digital growth in all directions, as radio listeners enjoy a widening array of options. The good news is that consumers continue to strongly listen to radio as the media landscape continues to expand.”

More on Jacobs Media Techsurvey 11 can be found HERE.



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