CBC fires more than 200 staff on same day it dumps Jian Ghomeshi report on media
by Charlie Smith
April 16th, 2015
For many people across the country, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is a beloved institution.
But even its most ardent fans must be troubled by the way in which management is delivering the latest round of cutbacks.
Earlier today, the public broadcaster released a redacted report examining former CBC Radio Q host Jian Ghomeshi’s questionable conduct in the workplace.
The CEO, Hubert Lacroix, knew that this would be like catnip to the media.
Then on the same day, the corporation has eliminated 241 jobs, according to the Canadian Media Guild. This adds up to nearly 1,400 jobs lost in the past year, the union noted.
“They are dismantling CBC/Radio-Canada without any regard for Canadians who have said clearly that the cuts to their public broadcaster in news, local programming, and culture must stop,” CMG national president Carmel Smyth said in a news release. “These cuts will have a devastating impact on local news coverage in communities across the country, a service the CBC is mandated to provide, and has been doing for 75 years. The continued cuts are doing irreparable damage to the public broadcaster.”
The decision to release the Ghomeshi report on the same day that more than 200 people are fired was management’s way of ensuring that the job losses didn’t receive as much coverage.
After all, which media outlet can resist the Ghomeshi story, given that it includes sex, violence, and celebrity? A videographer or a sportscaster getting a layoff notice can’t compete with that.
Meanwhile, CBC Victoria radio host Gregor Craigie has tweeted that two people have lost their jobs at his station.
Brian Lilley Comments on the comment referring to him by the CBC President and Much More HERE
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The CBC has long been a breeding ground and promoter of political correctness fueled by the largely socialist staff. Adopt the NPR model of funding and stop wasting tax-dollars on this biased operation.
Oh Bud, put a sock in it. Many countries have a public broadcaster, UK, Australia etc.
If you look at their radio ratings at least Canadians ARE listening. CBC is at or near the top in almost every major market in this country.
Bud,Bud please stop reading the Sun and the National Post. Your brain will thank you. CBC is an oasis in the intellectual wasteland provided by commercial broadcasters.
Oh Anon, YOU raise a ridiculous point. Using commercial ratings to justify a tax funded broadcaster. Less than 10% of radio hours justify 100% taxpayer funding?? Please.
As was mentioned, adopt the NPR model and let them sink or swim.
Anon, so what is other countries have a national broadcaster? We are not talking about them, but the CBC which is everything I have said about it.
Gary, I never read either publication, but clearly you do. If you feel the CBC is an intellectual oasis, then you can only be seen one of the same mind-set I described above. I assure you, THAT is not at all intellectual.