We just listened to this excellent interview with Steve Kowch by The Commentor’s Joseph Planta. Steve is not only a sponsor on PSR, sharing the top of page banner with ProSalesGuy Dave Warawa, both are solid broadcasters with much to share. I highly recommend budding broadcasters, and those with a few years under your belt looking for more success in your career to contact Steve. Steve is a gifted ‘mentor’ with an incredible offer, first a free 30 minute consultation with the radio guru himself. Sign up here No Obligation!
Listen and Enjoy the interview HERE

Related Article by Steve Kowch
Steve is an incredible mind when it comes to talk radio, and radio in general, and he’s one of the few that are keeping up with changes in the media, and how to integrate them in day to day programming. He understands change, embraces it. Steve’s also an outstanding coach, he’ll tell you what’s good, what’s great and what was utter shit.