What is wrong with us?

By Joanna Rothkopg
March 9, 2015
A new poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that Fox News is the most trusted news network in the country. The survey, which asked respondents to compare the trustworthiness of major network and cable news networks, found that 29 percent ranked Fox News first. CNN came in second at 22 percent, followed by CBS News and ABC News (both at 10 percent). ABC News and MSNBC received eight and seven percent of the vote, respectively.
These results are tempered when analyzed across party lines — 58 percent of Republicans said they trusted Fox News the most, along with 25 percent of independent voters. The Democratic vote, however, was split. 32 percent trust CNN, 15 percent trust NBC News, while only 14 percent turn to CBS News or MSNBC.
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“Terrifying” poll? Only according to liberal talking heads who think their opinion channels like CNN and MSNBC (which still try to pass themselves off as “news” networks) are still relevant.