Western Association of Broadcasters 81st Annual Conference
June 3-4, 2015, Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta
Announcing our Keynote Speaker
Bob Hoffman
The Golden Age of BS
There has never been a time when the experts have been more wrong about advertising and marketing than now. This talk exposes the faulty, costly predictions of marketing and advertising “experts” and explores the large gap between what we’ve been told to expect and reality.
In marketing today, delusional thinking isn’t just acceptable. It’s mandatory.”

Bob Hoffman is an original and contrarian voice in the advertising and marketing world. He is author of “101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising” which has been Amazon’s #1 selling advertising book for over a year. He is also author of the book “The Ad Contrarian” and “The Ad Contrarian” blog, which was named one of the world’s most influential advertising and marketing blogs by Business Insider. The Wall Street Journal calls Bob “caustic yet truthful.” In 2012, Bob was selected “Ad Person of the Year” by the San Francisco Advertising Club.
We are thrilled to have Bob Hoffman as our Keynote Speaker this June at the WAB Conference!
Registration Now Open for the Western Association of Broadcasters 81st Annual Conference, being held at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, in Banff, Alberta on June 3rd & 4th, 2015
You can Register HERE
Interesting story about Bob Hoffman by Mark Ramsey
Winston, I think Mark over reacted.
The best part of Mark’s post is the bun fight he had with Bob in the comments. As frequent readers of both men I see merit in the extreme positions they represent. As with anything, the truth is somewhere in the middle.