By Mark Joyella, TVNewser

CNN confirms longtime correspondent Jim Clancy has left the network after nearly 34 years. Clancy made the announcement to colleagues in an email obtained by TVNewser, calling CNN “one of the greatest news organizations in the world” and “a family to my own family.”
The timing of Clancy’s announcement comes just days after the veteran journalist had an extended debate via Twitter over the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
In a statement to TVNewser, a CNN spokesperson “Jim Clancy is no longer with CNN. We thank him for more than three decades of distinguished service, and wish him nothing but the best.”
Here’s Clancy’s note, in full:
After nearly 34 years with Cable News Network, the time has come to say Farewell!
It has been my honor to work alongside all of you for all of these years. This is one of the greatest news organizations in the world. It has truly revolutionized information delivery while driving technological advances in how we gather the news.
Through it all, CNN has been a family to my own family. That means something.
As I reflect on all of the great adventures and achievements of the past, I wish you great success in the future.
Jim Clancy
Clancy’s departure comes just one week after he engaged in a heated Twitter debate over the terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo. “The cartoons NEVER mocked the Prophet. They mocked how the COWARDS tried to distort his word. Pay attention,” Clancy tweeted on the day of the Paris attacks. Subsequently, he accused Israel and Zionist propaganda of being partially responsible for the attacks.
It is believed these statements got him in trouble with the network.
Jim Clancy just doesn’t get it. The Islamic terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo offices weren’t “distorting” Mohammed’s word (to kill anyone that criticizes Islam or its false “prophet”), they were fulfilling it. His anti-Semitic comments (including false accusations against Israel for the attacks) didn’t do him any service either.