11:23 AM PST 11/25/2014 by Michael O’Connell, HollywoodReporter.com

The Ferguson, Mo., police officer had an hour-long sit-down with the ‘Good Morning America’ host
Monday’s news of a grand jury choosing not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown came on the heels of days-long speculation about what outlet the Ferguson, Mo., police officer would choose to give his first interview.
ABC News and Good Morning America/This Week host George Stephanopoulosconfirmed they had landed the sit-down on Tuesday afternoon, tweeting a photo ofStephanopoulos with Wilson and noting that the journalist met with the cop for an hour. “No questions were off limits,” wroteStephanopoulos.
The network plans to break in with a special report and air Tuesday, Nov. 25, on World News with David Muir and Nightline and Good Morning Americathe following day. The full interview will also be available on ABCNews.com
CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon both copped to meeting with Wilson on Twitter, though there were a slew of other names in the mix. All major TV news outlets made a pitch to land the Wilson interview over this past weekend.