LG1043 Launches at 12:01am Tonight!



Vancouver’s re-invented LG will launch at 12:01am Friday morning as LG104.3, This after almost 5 years to the day that it launched at Shore 104.
3 owners later Newcap now have the keys and as shown with the launch of Z953 it’s a fan of bringing back heritage brands to the city. Their press release says that the famous “LG” brand will return to Vancouver as LG 104.3, playing classics by Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Rod Stewart, The Beatles, and Madonna.

Program Director Taylor Jukes said that along with the rebrand of Shore 104 to LG 104.3, the radio station call letters have changed from CHHR to CHLG – further connecting the future of Vancouver’s airwaves to the city’s rich radio history. LG 104.3 will play an upbeat, familiar mix spanning music’s biggest decades. “It’s the best music ever made.

There’s still no word on the new line up, which apparently will still include Graham Hatch. Names also rumoured include Kelly Latremouille, Tara McGuire, Darren “Danger” Grieve & Martin Strong. Shore blasted out most of their lineup yesterday ahead of Friday’s launch. LOOK: the new LG Facebook page & Twitter pages

lg fleetwood



  1. Well, I hope they really go after the original sound of LG73 in the 80’s. If they do, they will get a lot of people back, but if this is a half-ass attempt it won’t work. Is the Morning Zoo coming back? Jingles? So much to pull from. Yet looking at how they are handling Z95, this may be lackluster as well.

  2. Awesome.Another station playing the same recycled hits over and over.No wonder no one wants to listen to terrestrial radio anymore.Satellite radio here I come.

  3. I tend to agree with the above poster Re: the rebranding of Virgin to Z. That being said, that was done more out of necessity than a need to revamp an underperforming station. Newcap has done well with the Classic Hits format in Edmonton and Calgary. I see no reason why Vancouver would be an exception. The only other question (aside from what will be done with AM650), is how will LG 104.3 handle their Category III requirements? A sprinkling of lesser-known Motown cuts, perhaps?

  4. Oh, fergawdsakes. Another classic rock station. I’m 58 years old so maybe I’m part of their target audience, but if I never heard Bennie and the Jets or Go Your Own Way or The Wall again I’d be delighted. We’ve lost an interesting mix of more current music. RIP, Shore 104. More insipid corporate dreck on the way.

  5. I’m looking forward to this 2nd indent into the Vancouver market (first being Z953) by the NewCap group. As been noted NC has had success with Capital FM in Edmonton, as well as Calgary. One of the major problems with the Edmonton station is the rotation of 300 songs, (and the slipping ppms are proving that out)when it could be thousands of songs of solid great hits. You can even extend, going back to the mid sixties with a cancon song and Solid Rock song like Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf, all minus or with very little repetition. If it’s done right, there’s no doubt of it’s success. the choice of talent is plentiful and there are those still with good pipes, energy and ideas to come together in a team spirit who want to re-connect. I can name a few, but will leave that to others. Donovan, you must have some names of jocks who would fit this format?

  6. I was thinking about that today actually. Having somewhat of an old-school preference, Doc Harris popped into my mind. But would he fit the somewhat younger demo the new LG is aiming for.? Terry Reid would be great, but would he come out of semi-retirement? Others such as Al Murdock, Nails Mahony, and Casey White would also be great fits. Of course Tom Lucas and his Retro Rock Request Show would be perfect for weekends! Way better than that other Tom (Kent) and his canned That ’70s Show. Could Buzz Bishop be lured back from Calgary?

  7. I really hope the magic of the LG days is brought to life again. I am a little younger then most of the normal listeners of this demographic. I just remember listening to the LG Morning Zoo when I was a kid and some of the personalities on that station are what got me interested in radio. I hope Newcap programs this station properly and that they don’t cheap out on the on air staff. They need to bring in top names and a good playlist to make it work

  8. If you look at their press release, it just mentions the usual top testing Classic acts – Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Madonna, MJ. There will be no deep cuts, no Motown. And wait til they start toasting their CanCon! 40%?

  9. Instead of cleaning house with the on-air talent, perhaps Newcap should have handed out pink-slips to management. You can usually judge how successful a station will be simply by looking at the quality and experience of the people (GM, PD, GSM, MD, etc) behind it. This operation doesn’t stand a chance, at least with the existing management still in play.

  10. For craps sake corporate radio sucks! And another boring crap station replaces an original,unique station. Thanks,but no thanks.RIP Shore 104….

  11. First the less than spectacular return of Z,and now the cheesy attempt at bringing back a former powerhouse…..geez,Vancouver really does deserve better than this.I agree with Jeff.Thank god for satellite radio.

  12. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. I listened to LG73 until it died around 1994. I hope these guys will be playing all the music the station originally did, because if it does, it will be a hit! Sooo many people have said this, real listeners! But if it’s just another QM or JackFM, then forget it, back to online radio for most of us and this will be another fail. I liked Z95 too, but the new Z95 is nothing like the Z95 that was in the 90’s. Seems radio station managers just don’t GET IT!

  13. I listened to the launch, not really what I was expecting but then again at midnight, what else can you expect? At least the music sounds good. How long until Rock 101 tweaks the playlist again to compete?

    Also does anyone know who is going to be on air here? I saw on twitter something about them going jockless to start. Hope it is only until monday or after Canada day

  14. Yawwwwn! Gawd yet another “office” radio station 🙁 Somebody somehow please bring back Shore 104 and its adult alternative music.

  15. If only all of you lamenting the loss of Shore 104 actually listened to the station. I mean, how else do you explain the ratings? If you want a radio station to survive you have to, you know, listen to it.


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