Shore 104 To Flip Within Days / Hours?


Has Newcap’s Shore 104 fired their entire line up in preparation for a full station relaunch as LG104.3?
all 3 show pages lead to dead links including Joonyer & Hatch, Sandra Klaric & Pam Stevens.

Edit: We got word that Ken Allen Joonyer & Pam Stevens were let go, and Graham Hatch is still in the building.

shore 104 web


Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 12.33.57 PM


ed: Shore 104‘s Twitter account has been renamed @LG1043

lg twitter


  1. Laurie logan is on air right now at shore. I figured when she got hired for Z that she would eventually be part of the long term plans at 104.3 whatever it turns into. She is a great talent. I hope she gets reunited with Corey for a morning show on LG 104

  2. Just talked to someone I know on horseshoe and the flip is in the works. Happening before Canada day. But the new lineup debuts for the best of countdown Canada day long weekend

  3. Where does this leave AM650? Newcap isn’t going to run two Classic Hits stations. Did the all-comedy “Funny” brand go to Bell?

  4. The fact they’ve already rebranded their Twitter leads me to believe that the change will be coming by end of week. First day of Summer is also good timing for the debut of a new format.

  5. In my opinion the change will happen within 24 hours. Maybe do a wheel of format changes for a week or 2 then make the proper flip

  6. Laurie said coming up after 3 Pam Stevens was on air but nothing. So Laurie wasn’t informed during the voice tracking process. I figure 5 pm is a great time. And all signs point to it being accurate. The fact all the on air talent were blown out today and Twitter already changed to lg104. If not at 5 then tomorrow at the obviously predictable 10:43am

  7. The music on this station is good. I would have been a steady listener if they had an evening and weekend announcers. The on air staff they did have to me sounded voice tracked and almost sounded like they couldn’t have personality. Pam and Sandra were great on other stations. Here they sounded almost robotic or bored even

  8. Well 5pm came and went, so did 6pm and nothing. I can only assume sometime on Wednesday then, Just hope they don’t keep the vt’d Laurie Logan on air during the midday tomorrow

  9. That’s too bad for all the hard working people on the air but we’ve seen it all before haven’t we. Those of us who’ve been in the business for more than a week have likely been a part of a similar scenario. Seems like the purges are more frequent now though so I’m happy at least that my on-air career is in the rear view mirror. Just wish the radio dreams (nightmares) would go away!)

    I will miss the music on Shore though. In my early 50’s I’m not ready for a steady diet of nostalgia. No “adult alternative” here anymore. Might have to activate the satellite radio that came with my new car…

  10. I LOVED The Shore. Don’t like the “new” music line up being played by LG 104.3 and am at a loss which station to turn to. The Shore was great….

  11. I’m heartbroken. I worked all weekend and looked forward to coming home and doing my paperwork and streaming Shore FM on my phone in Winnipeg. Shore FM was my favourite station when I lived in Vancouver and moved to Winnipeg in October 2013. I loved it but now it’s gone.

    I connected my bluetooth and started streaming and I hated what I heard. I texted my friend in Vancouver that I was heartbroken. He works in radio. He suggested I listen to The Peak. It ain’t no Shore FM but it’ll have to do.


  12. Well, I certainly won’t be listening to this crap. Couldn’t believe it when I turned the radio on the other day, thought I’d somehow got off the station. I’d rather listen to 101.1 CFMI if I want old music. Very disappointed.

  13. Noooooo more classic rock…I am 59 yrs old and I don’t wanna listen to that old crap! There are lots of stations playing that for all the boomers that can’t move on. I want my adult alternative back! cripes.

  14. I hate this new station! I also thought that I had somehow gotten off the station. It’s boring – I’m so disappointed. I really miss Joonyer & Hatch – they made my day.

  15. How could they change that station to “easy listening” — no more good music being produced since 1960?? Wow — lock us up now!

  16. Better off to listen to CBC radio 2 mornings 6-9 or Drive 3:30 – 7:00 pm as Shore modeled it’s programming on these 2 shows. Also check out Randy Bachman vinyl tab and Geo. Strombo Sunday nights

  17. Honestly! Like we need another old, classic, overplayed music station! New station is crap. At least I still have 102.7 The Peak to listen too.

  18. I tried listening to new format, if that’s what I wanted, then there are plenty of other stations for that. I still haven’t found another station to go with. I want adult alternative!

  19. I’ve just deleted the station off my favorites list in the car. The new format is so bad. More of the same old same old. I LOVED the “Alternative” format…was listening from day 1. So sad it has changed for the worse.

  20. Just got back from vacation, tuned into the Shore and learned of the change. WTF?????? A greatest hits/classics station??? Isn`t that format well represented by Rock 101 and Jack FM? I cannot believe the Shore had such poor ratings and low listener numbers to prompt this change. Whatever the reason, Newcrap has made a monumentally stupid decision. (New Coke anyone?) Maybe when this station circles the bowl and flushes away, someone will recognize the huge mistake made here and bring back Triple A. Until then I will be tuning in elsewhere.

  21. I agree with all of the comments above. We have had over 30 years of listening to this music over and over again and I am at a loss as to why you have decided that “classic” music is a better choice than the adult alternative format. I used to hop from station to station until you started with the adult alternative format. I was a loyal listener every day but you have lost me now for sure.


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